This is a scholarship opportunity for young women or gender non-conforming individuals of color who are actively working to change the world. The scholarship will be applied to tuition for the 2020 Spring semester.


3 Awards of $750


  • Applicants must be young women or gender non-conforming individuals of color who are currently enrolled or who will begin college/university in the spring semester of 2020. Current high school seniors with a semester of high school remaining will not be considered.
  • Have a minimum of 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent)


Next Day Animations is a project of Simplicity Works, a design and communications company helping organizations make the world a better place.

Application Directions

Fill out the scholarship application. For the essay question, you may write up to 500 words OR create an up to 5-minute video.

Essay Question: Who are you, and how are you going to change the world?
